
(Redirected from Perks)

Perks in King of the Hill provide unique advantages to a player. They can provide different features and additional functionality, depending on the perk, which was selected.

A player can have up to 3 perks selected out of the list of available perks. The first perk slot is unlocked without any additional fee. The second perk slot needs to be unlocked by paying a fee of 10000 $, the third one by a fee of 100000 $. Perks can be freely combined, however, it may result in your player having a disadvantage as well, for example having less stamina, or having so much loadout, that you can only sneak.

Available perks edit

Discount - DCNT / Money - MONE edit

Unlocked with level 1. Provides the possibility to re-buy the rented equipment after respawn by paying a 50% reduced fee.

In a more recent version of the mission (sometime in the v14 version lifecycle), this perk was renamed from Discount (DCNT) to Money (MONE). It now also allows an additional 10% increase on all money earnings when this perk is active.

AMMO edit

Unlocked with level 1. Provides you with up to twice the amount of ammunition for your primary and handgun.

Engineer - ENGR edit

Unlocked with level 1. Enables the player repair damaged vehicles on the battlefield up to a working condition. The repair may take longer the more damaged the vehicle is.

Medic - MEDC edit

Unlocked with level 3. The player starts with more first aid kits (5 instead of 2). A revive of a teammate takes only half the time. The player receives an additional bonus reward for reviving team mates.

Launcher - LNCR edit

Unlocked with level 5. Provides access to launchers in the Change loadout menu. It also adds anti-tank grenades, which amount can be increased with the Explosive perk.

Marksman - MRKS edit

Unlocked with level 7. Provides access to the Marksman rifles and scopes in the Change loadout menu, as well as access to the ghillie suits. The players binoculars are also replaced by a rangefinder.

Machinegunner - MGNR edit

Unlocked with level 9. Provides access to the Machineguns in the Change loadout menu.

Explosive - EXPL edit

Unlocked with level 11. Provides the player with more anti-personell and smoke grenades as well as an explosive charge. If combined with the Launcher perk, the player gets more anti-tank grenades as well.

Indefatigable - FTGE edit

Unlocked with level 13. Restores the fatigue of the player much quicker.

Countermeasures - CMSR edit

Unlocked with level 15. When equipped, will automatically deploy countermeasures:

  • in an aircraft when a guided rocket is detected (flares)
  • in a vehicle when sitting on a commander seat (smoke)

Designator - DSNR edit

Unlocked with level 18. Replaces the binoculars/rangefinder with a Laser designator, with built-in night vision, thermal vision and zoom. Can also designate targets for ground vehicles and attack helicopters.

Silencer - SLCR edit

Unlocked with level 20. Automatically equips the players primary weapon with a sound suppressor, if the weapon supports one. This perk is also compatible with some sniper rifles, but not all of them.

Bipod - BPOD edit

Unlocked with level 23. Adds a bipod to the primary weapon, if it has a compatible slot.